Film, commercial shoots resume in Malaysia
Strict guidelines in place to protect talents and production crew from Covid-19
Live action filming has resumed in Malaysia and we’re excited!
The Malaysian government has allowed the shooting of commercials and films since June 10 as the number of Covid-19 cases in Malaysia remains relatively low.
It’s business as usual but for some minor adjustments which are in the best interest of the production crew and talents. There are several important guidelines by the government that must be adhered to.
So here’s how we have started work:
- Live streaming for clients (link will be provided).
- Remote film production with video / web conferencing (especially for casting and pre-production meetings).
Brief guidelines for film / commercial shooting
- Crew / cast size – we can work with any amount of people but will limit the number of personnel at a particular location based on space.
- Physical distancing at all times.
- Interstate travel allowed – but country’s borders remain shut to non-Malaysians.
- Adopt safety protocols by health authorities (eg. check temperature, provide hand santisers, wear face masks, no shared meals).
- Location and equipment to be sanitised before and after every shoot.
Malaysia continues to be a must-visit shooting destination due to its production capabilities and unique locations – from the neon lights of the city to the white sandy beaches and rainforests in Borneo.
For more information about shooting in Malaysia, contact The Tankers at pete@thetankers.tv.